Shippments have started to Arrive!
It feels like Christmas at our house right now with the UPS, USPS, and FedEx trucks pulling up and dropping off packages. Before our new adventure when a delivery truck would pull up, my 3 children would run to the window and wait for me to come in the house with "the box" of a new toy or game for them. It wasn't a common occurrence but when it did the kids were so excited! One kid grabbing the steak knife to open the box (me saying cut away from your hand!!), one kid immediately popping the bubble wrap which sounds like bombs going off, and one kid searching for the toy.
Now when the trucks pull up to the house our indoor dog Rory still goes absolutely crazy but the kids know "it's just clothes guys, relax". Then comes the unpackaging, tagging, steaming, and inventory.
As our house is getting full of product for the Shop and the excitement is building. I walk by the room where all our product is being stored and think to myself is this really happening?! Yep, it's happening and the product is arriving so get to work.
Other business owners in my community told me that once you make the commitment to opening a Business it's going to be live, breath, and eat your new venture. They were 100% correct. I find myself when I'm at the local grocery store, restaurants in Perry, or watching the kids play at the park I think..."I love that top, People do still wear ________ , Where did they purchase their..." fill in the Blanks.
So while Rory our vicious Maltese Poodle barks like crazy right now at the delivery trucks and the doorbell is ringing, it's the begging stages of our new Business. The kids may not love the boxes coming in, BUT I DO!